Experts in online SCORM language content

If you are looking for SCORM/AICC content with surprising quality and innovation, you will find it in our wide content catalogue.

Our online courses are developed by professional experts in teaching and new technologies that are continuously looking for new methods and contents as well as updating existing ones.

Students genuinely learn with our language content, and they do so in an enjoyable way, both effectively and with depth of knowledge.

Language training


  • UK English
  • USA English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian

+ More about languages

Online content: language learning pills

Technology at the service of knowledge

Compatible with any LMS

Content that meets all the SCORM/AICC standards, being cross-platform compatible e- learning

Unbeatable interactivity

Interactive content through CAE’s technology that facilitates the interaction between student and content

No previous knowledge required

Any student or professional can learn from 0 coming up to 100% of the content. Entertaining, well-structured and visual courses

No installation required

They work on any operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS), any web browser, and all devices


Progressive methodology

SCORM / AICC content which allows progressive learning, constantly applying learning and moving smoothly

Work without internet

Our content work without an Internet connection through our language apps supported by all devices and operating systems synchronously

Our specialists will advise you in a personalized way


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