On numerous occasions you will have been offered e-learning courses in IT and languages, probably using SCORM contents. This is an acronym formed by the English title: “Sharable Content Object Reference Model” which means a set of standards and specifications that allow you to create structured pedagogical objects.

This format offers the possibility of creating content that can be imported into online content management systems, that is, any online educational platform, LMS (Learning Management System) or LCMS (Learning Content Management System).

The contents that have this format follow a series of requirements: interoperability, reusability, manageability, accessibility, durability, scalability and cost effectiveness.

If it is still not clear to you what SCORM content is and the advantages that arise from offering language solutions in this format, you should know that this type of content is the one that meets the following specifications:

  • It is designed to be displayed in a browser.
  • It is described by metadata.
  • It has been organized as a structured set of smaller objects.
  • It has been packaged so that it can be imported by any compatible SCORM platform.
  • It has been created to be distributed by any web server on any operating system.

 SCORM content for language learning


Advantages of offering SCORM contents for languages


# 1 SCORM contents allow for the adaptation of contents

The SCORM format offers the ability for any learning platform to display and manage content regardless of how it was created. In other words, the learning platform or LMS (Learning Management System) will show the content correctly, even if it has been created for another platform.

 These SCORM contents follow the requirement of interoperability and therefore facilitate the production of contents to generate courses that can be mounted on any platform. In this way, they allow a design adapted to the training needs of each company, organization or educational center. The customization possibilities are endless.


# 2 Unlimited access to SCORM contents

The accessibility offered by the SCORM format allows users to access its contents at any time and from anywhere. These SCORM content for languages will always be accessible from any device and can be accessed whenever you want. In this way, each student can work at the pace they want, whenever and wherever they choose.


# 3 They imply greater technological durability

Technology is advancing at an ever-increasing rate. SCORM content is capable of supporting technologies that will be used in the future for the development of content and platforms, so that it is possible to avoid the technological obsolescence of content with SCORM format and SCORM / AICC standards.


# 4 SCORM contents facilitate the reuse of formats

Another of the qualities of the SCORM format is that it does not need to be created from scratch. It allows us to reuse what already exists and, if necessary, to replace it, which reduces production times and increases the quality of content. In addition, you can also create courses on your platform by combining components already created for other platforms or reuse content from other courses in a different context.

All of this means that SCORM content is scalable. That is, it allows you to create more content, more materials and more variety in a simple and platform-independent way. In addition, the platform will be able to expand its functionalities, the number of published courses and the number of users supported independently of the course structure. Scalability enables 100% return on investment in e-learning.


# 5 SCORM content allows personalized monitoring

A learning management platform in SCORM format allows the activity between the user and the content to be recorded, thus giving a personalized follow-up of a class, group or student at a glance. These properties are achieved by defining a standard form of communication between the platform and the content.

The educational platform or LMS records the way in which the student interacts with the content and, in this way, the teacher or administrator can consult a large amount of information that can be very relevant for training: which students have participated in the course and how often, what are the results of the evaluation, what messages are left in the forums or what lessons take the longest.


# 6 They are cost effective

The content of language courses ​​with SCORM format permits the distribution of the teaching by facilitating access from any device and at any time, leading to a reduction in costs for schools. It is also worth highlighting the improvement that can be seen in student learning as it reduces learning time and the production costs of these contents. On the other hand, it can also save costs in mobilization and travel and also saves time for teachers, which allows both them and students to manage their time and study schedule efficiently.

CAE Computer Aided E-learning promotes the creation, innovation and development of new SCORM content for online language courses. All CAE solutions are developed in SCORM format, which allows content to be easily shared and transferred to different mobile devices. When purchasing SCORM content from a large company or training organization, it is important to choose a reputable provider. If you want to read more information about our SCORM content in languages and computing, you can find out more here.


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