Monitoring and analyzing tools are very important for language courses, which is why Dexway language courses integrate Dexway Analytics, an advanced analysis, monitoring and evaluation tool that provides real-time information on student progress.
By utilizing a monitoring system, students can be continuously evaluated in their online course, without waiting on tests that show what problems students are experiencing. If there is real-time monitoring, each student’s (or group’s) information is available in comprehensive reports with just one click.
Benefits Monitoring Tools Have for Online Language Courses
#1 Information sorted by language skill
The Voluxion learning platform is the only platform specialized in languages. Its monitoring tool is equipped with an assessment system that shows students’ progress and shortcomings broken down by language skill (writing, speaking, reading and listening).
This makes it much easier for teachers to schedule reinforcement exercises that focus on solving and clarifying the specific problems of a student or group. Furthermore, the integrated functionalities for monitoring and evaluation, as well as the extraction of detailed reports, make it much easier and faster to follow, analyze and evaluate at any time how students are progressing, either individually or in groups. . This can be very useful as a basis for further investigation and evaluation of learning progress.
#2 Online/offline face-to-face classes with specific objectives
Learning which areas most students are having trouble with gives teachers the opportunity to organize online/offline classes aimed at the students’ weaker areas that the LMS (Learning Management System) has detected through Dexway Analytics. This can be done both individually and as a group. In other words, we can see which objectives or skills are shared by an entire group as more difficult and schedule a group class to answer questions or go deeper into those concepts.
#3 Individual monitoring
Teachers can track each student and check on their performance in online activities. That way, they are aware of each student’s progress at all times and can take action in case one of them is falling behind the rest of the group. Knowing which specific objectives or specific skills they have the most difficulty with, it is much easier to propose activities and materials that allow the person to improve and match their level with that of the rest of their group.
#4 Feedback for students
Students receive feedback in real time while taking their courses. This means they can track their own progress of their online course and learn which skills they should practice in order to improve. Students can be fully involved in their own online language learning and they will discover that putting in the effort brings results.
Therefore, the great advantage for those who are taking the course is that they receive automatic feedback on their progress and performance. In an assessment that is not digitized, it can take several days or even weeks for students to see how well they did on a test or assignment. With online assessments and results analysis, they can know their grades as soon as they finish the exams.
#5 Allow teachers to obtain valuable information in real time
Teachers can consult information on their students’ progress and performance in real time, so they can always be aware of the areas their students are having trouble with both individually and in groups.
With this information, teachers can prepare personalized reinforcement exercises from any lesson that a student is experiencing difficulty with so they can get more practice and thus advance in the course. This prevents students from being left behind and reduces drop-out rates.
#6 Gamified Evaluation
Keeping students motivated is essential for them to progress through the course at an appropriate rhythm until completion. Thanks to the information collected by Analytics, Dexway courses offer a gamified evaluation system that rewards student effort with different badges that are displayed on leaderboards to encourage motivation.
Dexway Analytics is available for all versions, languages (UK/US English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Portuguese) and types of Dexway solutions.
If you want to further expand your knowledge of Dexway courses and learn about the advantages of the monitoring tools they offer, you can do so by clicking here.