E-learning is advancing and growing by leaps and bounds, it is no longer the future of learning but the present, as seen in its different modalities: online, blended learning and face-to-face classrooms. As new technologies evolve, e-learning is changing in order to meet new user needs by adapting to market demand. The 10 future trends of e-learning show us the path that online education is taking and highlights the support that new technologies focused on improving teaching processes can offer. E-learning in all subjects from languages, IT, business administration and management, marketing, sales, education, banking, etc., benefit from these future global trends in e-learning.
In constant expansion, there are certain trends that are setting the course for its growth: technological advances, changes in educational methodologies or the emergence of new needs are dictating the future trends of e-learning.
Key e-learning trends
Some of the trends that e-learning will see in the near future are:
#1 Artificial intelligence
The use of artificial intelligence in online language learning courses is the strongest trend on the horizon. This technology is permeating all areas of professional and everyday life, so it is not surprising that many of the advances and developments in e-learning are in the area of AI.
AI in virtual tutors, role-play exercises, assessment, customisation of learning… its uses are already incredibly diverse, and this is only the beginning.
This new technology is now an optional addition to Dexway courses. 24×7 tutors to resolve doubts within the courses at any time, as well as speaking and writing practice with evaluation and comments about how to improve are some of the new functions that use AI. Additionally, Learning Hub provides support for our authoring tools when developing online courses.
#2 Blended learning (hybrid)
The migration from face-to-face training towards e-learning and blended learning will continue to increase; moving towards online learning that combines face-to-face training with online training. Blended learning offers more opportunities to interact with course materials and resources, leading to greater participation and increased opportunities for student success. This format gives learners greater autonomy and increases the likelihood of them achieving their objectives.
#3 Wearable learning
The wearable technology market continues to grow steadily, attempting to carve out an essential niche in our lives. Its aim is to replace some smartphone functions with more specific solutions. This can be seen clearly at each CES event. In its latest edition, Asus’ dual-monitor glasses and Amazfit’s smart rings marked two clear trends for this type of device: minimise size to make them more comfortable to wear, without losing their capacity to operate with maximum resources anywhere and at any time.
Wearable technology includes accessories and garments that incorporate technological elements, accompanying the wearer in their day-to-day lives. Wearable technology is an intuitive technology that creates a perfect environment for continuous learning. To use the example of the Asus launch, if we are in a situation where we can’t use our hands to view a course or e-learning pill, the monitor on the glasses would allow us to access the course online – whilst steering clear of prying eyes.
#4 Virtual worlds
The metaverse will offer different ways of bringing learning closer to anyone studying languages. These digital worlds will enable students to attend virtual classes in which they can interact with both the environment and the rest of their classmates in a more “direct” way than by videoconference. Geographical barriers will become less of a problem in these virtual worlds where people will interact through their avatars.
#5 Gamification
This is a concept that has been with us for a few years now, but which is undoubtedly continuing to grow and consolidate its role. Engagement-generating content and ad hoc game mechanics for training will continue to be optimised and improved as tools to reinforce learning as well as develop skills and abilities.
#6 Smart tutor
Tutors in online training projects will gain more and more importance as guides to the whole learning process. With so-called smart tutors or artificial intelligence assistants, learning becomes much more individual. The AI virtual tutor featured in Dexway courses provides personalised help using text and native voice to accompany each student 24×7, providing a totally autonomous learning process that respects their pace and time limitations.
#7 Flipped classroom
The flipped classroom is a challenge for schools. It is a pedagogical model that transforms certain processes that were usually linked exclusively to the classroom, transferring them to the out-of-school context. In other words, it inverts the traditional way of understanding a class: activities linked mainly to the presentation and explanation of content are now offered outside the classroom, by means of technological tools such as video or podcasts, or simply the internet. This means that school time is devoted primarily to the activities that really matter for learning, such as practical exercises, problem solving, discussions, small or large group work, discovery learning, co-assessment and self-assessment, etc.
In the education sector, for example, the Dexway Teacher’s Pack has been created for use in a blended format. This is an innovative complement for educators in schools, universities and training centres which uses a methodology that provides current, comprehensive resources for teachers to use in the classroom, combined with activities that students can do at home.
Flipped classes seek to maintain face-to-face training, freeing up space in class to solve problems and leaving tasks that focus on the transfer of information (memorising and understanding) for homework. This allows us to be present at the most relevant moment of the learning process: its practical application during class.
#8 Video Learning
There is an increasing demand for audiovisual content and new methodologies associated with video and multimedia content. A Forbes magazine study revealed that 60% of business decision-makers prefer to watch videos rather than read text on the Internet. With this in mind, Dexway Fast English courses, containing more than 300 videos, are among the most dynamic courses available.
#9 Mobile Learning
This trend ties in with most, if not all, of the others. Smartphones have become a key part of our daily lives, continuing to be a trend in e-learning year after year. Apps are invading devices, and it is a statistical reality that the use of PCs is decreasing as people favour mobiles and tablets. E-learning content is evolving to adapt to these screens and present new ways of consuming educational materials. E-learning means adaptive learning that responds to the experiences and needs of those who consume it.
These courses are often the main source of online content, but sometimes they are used as job aids, or mobile training pills to reinforce and refresh acquired knowledge.
#10 Total Learning Systems
LMS, or educational platforms, will continue to move towards Total Learning Systems, which support informal and social learning. A social learning system, where students create, share and discuss their own learning experiences.
These are just some of the trends in e-learning, but it is a world that is constantly advancing at the same pace as the technology it uses. The common factor of all these trends is the aim of offering a learning methodology that will lead to success for its users.
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