Technology is part of our day-to-day life. This transformation has been natural for the generation of digital natives who were born or trained when global digitization was already a fact: Generation Z and Millennials. It’s down to them that innovation and the leap into the digital age have been decisive for any business. In this context, e-learning training becomes essential for the education sector and, therefore, centers that offer online training and / or “blended learning” are booming. This teaching methodology benefits everyone involved: academies, teachers, students … But in this article we will focus on highlighting the advantages of using an e-learning platform for training centers.

an e-learning platform

# 1 Cost reduction

One of the greatest advantages lies in the optimization of costs. With an online e-learning platform there does not need to be a limited number of registrations, there is no limit of students per course or by subjects, which allows greater profitability.

Good management is easier if you choose the LMS (Learning Management System) platform that streamlines management and multiplies learning options.


# 2 Resources are stored and organized in one place

An LCMS (Learning Content Management System) or LMS platform such as Voluxion, simplifies the management of the e-learning courses you offer. Your SCORM / AICC learning content will be easily stored, organized and accessible regardless of the number of courses and resources to be managed.


# 3 Flexibility and accessibility

The student can access the courses no matter where they are. As it is educational software in the cloud, it does not require installation on any device. This facilitates the learning process and reduces the unavoidable costs of face-to-face classes.


# 4 Collection of statistical data

The Voluxion platform not only allows the management of content and organization of resources, but also enables you to collect important data on the behavior of the participants at the beginning, during and at the end of the course.

Thanks to the statistical data you will be able to see which courses receive the most registrations, the most popular tasks, the learning material covered … Both the teachers and the educational center can easily evaluate the courses and know what kind of content generates more registrations.


# 5 Internationalization

Thanks to the ease of access to this type of platform, the student can access their classes and content from anywhere in the world. This offers the opportunity of promoting the school in other countries and favoring the permanence of students who change country but are able to continue with the same provider.


 # 6 Adaptation to learning levels

Having an online teaching platform allows students learn at their own speed. Not everyone learns with the same agility, so offering courses with this methodology allows flexibility where the most advanced students can count on additional content, and those at lower levels can have access to reinforcement resources.


In short, technology has existed as a support method in teaching for years, but the development of  e-learning platforms such as Voluxion and Dexway language courses show that the evolution is gaining momentum. Both resources allow this type of learning to become an enjoyable experience thanks to their flexibility, accessibility, communication, and constant feedback – for the training center, the teacher and the students. There is no doubt that this methodology represents a great advance for the center or organization that decides to apply it.


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