It can sometimes be difficult to wade through the jargon and acronyms and decide which digital tools are worth investing in. Though there are all kinds of gadgets and software options available to language schools, some will be far more useful than others. A Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is something you should definitely be aware of.

One of the key ways that the education sector is changing is via the growth of digital campuses. It’s becoming more and more normal for language schools to offer resources or even whole modules online. Potential students are coming to expect this kind of service as standard, and any language school who isn’t fully making use of the opportunities of the digital sphere is likely to be seriously missing out.

Why Does Your Language School Need One?


Of course, the digital world isn’t always easy to navigate. In order to provide a seamless online service to their students, language schools need to invest in a learning platform to help them do this. That’s where a LCMS comes in.

A Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is a  software that  manages the online face of your language school. It will enable you to create a virtual campus where your students can learn, communicate, socialise, sit assessments and access administrative services. A learning platform such as this will also be hugely beneficial for your staff members and tutors who will be able to easily manage administrative tasks and content development all from this one central hub.

A good Learning Content Management System (LCMS) will allow you to do things such as:

  • Teach courses in virtual classrooms
  • Manage content development
  • Create new courses
  • Upload and host existing content
  • Easily assess student progress
  • Store resources all in one place
  • Host online training courses
  • Manage academic planning
  • Facilitate direct communication between tutors and students
  • Host learning forums
  • Generate progress reports
  • Track students
  • Provide revision activities
  • Create training exercises
  • Curate links and resources from around the web
  • Design course timetables
  • Manage course subscriptions

Investing in a learning platform like our specially developed Voluxion educational solution can have a huge impact on how effectively your language school is run.

Here’s why  every language school needs a Learning Management System.


1. It can simplify your administration

We think that one of the best things about a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is that everything can be done from just one management portal. This can help to seriously simplify the administration of your language school. Your administration staff and tutors will be able to access everything they need just from this one piece of software, and as it’s cloud based they’ll be able to do this from their office, anywhere in the school building, or even from home.

2. It can create new opportunities

The way students are choosing to access education is changing. No longer are potential learners limiting their choice of course to what is on offer at their local language schools. Instead, these learners are accessing online courses from anywhere in the world. The better digital facilities a language school is able to offer, the more chance they have of cashing in on increased student numbers.

3. It can revolutionise content development

The quality of a course is hugely dependent on the quality of the resources used. A Learning Content Management System makes content development far easier. Tutors will be able to access resource templates, make their own content from scratch, or even upload existing content, in whatever format it exists in.

4. It can automate assessments

Assessment is a very important part of the learning process, but some tutors can find it difficult to get right. A Learning Content Management System (LCMS) can solve this problem by automating the assessment process. Assessment content development can be done quickly and efficiently, either by automatically generating a full assessment, or by allowing each tutor to customise and personalise their exams. The education learning platform  will also automatically mark assessments and exams, giving tutors more time to focus on helping their students to improve.

5. It can measure progress

In order to improve, it’s really important to keep track of progress within the language school. A Learning Content Management System (LCMS) will enable you to monitor across the board, from assessment results and training exercises, to student drop out rates and tutor evaluations. It will also enable you to keep track of each tutor’s content development contributions.

Whatever the future plans of your language school, a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is likely to have a huge impact on how easily you get there. Investing in a piece of well reviewed cloud-based software such as Voluxion is likely to help you to far better meet the needs of students, tutors and administrators alike.

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