The Flipped Classroom is a model of blended learning that is successful all around the world and is one of the most competitive advantages for language franchises. The first methodologies that innovated towards flipping instruction from the classroom to the home appeared in the 90s. Among these initiatives, which didn’t have an official name yet, CAE proposed a networked classroom system with face-to-face tutoring several days a week that would be a pioneer in what is known today as the flipped classroom. Since then, the flipped classroom has more and more teachers around the world convinced.
A flipped classroom has advantages for teachers and students alike. In the “The Flipped Clasroom: A Survey of the Research” study, university professors J. Bishiop y M. Verleguer analyzed several works on this blended methodology in pursuit of general conclusions. Among them, the authors stated that students feel positively towards the flipped classroom, and that their grades also go up:
(…) students supplied with optional video lectures came to class much better prepared than when they had been given textbook readings. This observation is encouraging because although learning gains are high for information presented textually, shows that college students don’t generally complete reading assignments.
Bishop, J., Verleger, M., (2013) “The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research”. ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.
These are the benefits of videos along with digital and multimedia content, which have been established in all areas of our lives and prevail at ease.
There are many different reasons for implementing the Flipped Classroom in language franchise classrooms and centers with several branches, such as the flexibility to form groups, a desire to increase enrollment or provide a more personalized and effective study. We will highlight eight reasons that will convince you to take the leap:
8 reasons to Introduce the Flipped Classroom
#1 Flipped classroom improves student performance
As indicated by studies like the one we have just seen, students who take courses with a flipped classroom model get higher scores. The reasons are clear: allowing each student to study the theoretical part at their own pace prevents students from getting lost in class or getting bored if the teacher needs to repeat the lesson.
#2 Classes are more hands-on with flipped classroom
Shifting instruction outside the classroom means class time is used for engaging and 100% hands-on activities. The students apply what they have learned at home through practical exercises, discussions and group activities. This encourages creativity and critical thinking. In the case of language teaching, which is CAE’s area of expertise, this benefit is two-fold because it allows more time to be spent on speech practice and communication skills.
#3 Students take responsibility for their education
With a flipped classroom, students must study the lessons before going to class. In this way, they are responsible for their education, playing a more active and participatory role.
#4 No limit to enrolling students
Flipped classes allow a greater flexibility for enrolling students since the number of face-to-face classes is reduced. The courses and levels are blurred by the main topics that will be practiced in class.
#5 Flexibility to form groups
In language franchises, students are never at the exact same level, contrary to formal education. This is because a group of students contains people with different ages and backgrounds. Practical classes and prior digital support make it easier for students at different levels to follow the same class.
The same goes for scheduling. It is easier for students to balance a schedule with fewer classroom hours or even an open schedule that is interconnected between all the franchise sites. By reducing classroom hours, the flipped classroom allows more flexible groups.
#6 Customized training
In a classroom without blended learning, you cannot customize each student’s learning experience. However, an LMS platform allows teachers to schedule different reinforcements or microlearning nuggets for students in the same class in order to address their weaker areas. In this way, large language chains can offer personalized service through microlearning and a flipped classroom.
#7 More active participation from parents
For younger students, the flipped classroom also teaches their parents and enables them to have a more active role in their children’s studies. The help they can give to resolve a practical exercise when they haven’t seen the material is limited; however, with the flipped classroom, parents can directly address the theory.
#8 Flipped classrooms give teachers a more important role
The introduction of technology in the classroom helps save teachers time with the automatic assessment that learning platforms offer, while swapping the role of a static instructor to a more important role as a coach and counselor.
CAE’s e-learning solutions for franchises and language centers with several locations help you bring flipped classroom to your classes with the best guarantees of success.
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