Language learning supported by e-learning content is considered just as effective as traditional teaching, maybe even more so; however, its success depends largely upon how interactive the contents are and the possibilities of the learning platform. With a virtual learning environment that offers all the e-learning tools necessary for training, student engagement is ensured from the beginning to the end of the training, in any modality: online, blended, lab or face-to-face.

Learning Platforms into the Classroom

In a study published in 2012 by EDUCAUSE, Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR),it was noted that more than half the students demanded access to course materials through their cell phones or classroom devices. Since then, this number has only grown, at such a rate that blended learning has become the norm for many classrooms around the world.


How to integrate learning platforms into the classroom

Integrating e-learning platforms into the classroom helps increase student participation and offers a variety of multimedia content that is interactive and enjoyable.


#1 Language Labs

Language labs are designed to offer students full language immersion in the classroom. Individually (each student uses their computer or device), students practice the lessons established by a teacher at their own pace. Teachers take on the position of a guide or counselor, like a learning coach. They set the pace for the lessons, answer any questions and monitor each student’s performance through exhaustive reports generated by the LMS/LCMS o VLE as Voluxion.

#2 Blended Learning

Blended learning efficiently combines classwork and online work, resulting in a more flexible education. Language teaching, with its specific characteristics that differentiate it from the rest of the school curriculum, makes it easy to access multimedia materials outside the classroom, so that the student can expand on or review the classes at any time and from anywhere using a smartphone, tablet or computer, even without the internet.

#3 Flipped Classroom

This type of blended learning is successful all around the world. Its secret? Shift the direct instruction of the group to the individual (thereby flipping the traditional methodology) and use class time for more engaging tasks, discussions, answering questions, hands-on exercises, etc. One of the greatest advantages for students is the fact that each student sets their own learning pace, so they will never experience the frustration of being left behind in class.


The advantages of virtual platforms, which include optimizing student assignments, saving time with assessments or the possibility of using gamification tools, dictionaries or readings that are integrated into a single virtual environment, make this e-learning technology essential for classrooms around the world.

CAE’s Voluxion platforms, compatible with SCORM and AICC content, have been developed for language learning and offer centers unique tools such as scheduling timetables for live online classes, integrated dictionaries and additional activities such as flashcards or karaoke.


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