A learning content management system has fast become a vital tool for schools that have made blended learning and LMS content a key part of their educational style. Learning content management systems (also known as LCMS) come with an impressive range of digital tools designed to make schools and the various administrative and educational processes they are responsible for run smoothly.

The benefits of a good quality LCMS are huge. They can be very beneficial for students, teachers, teaching assistants, senior leadership, parents and administrative staff. A learning content management system can revolutionise the way learning takes place.

learning content management system

Whether your school is new to blended learning and the benefits of an LCMS, or whether you are already using a system but feel it may be time for an upgrade.


Here are ten signs you’re ready for a new learning content management system:


#1. You want to design and create courses with no computer programming knowledge required

A good LCMS will make it possible to create new courses and educational programmes instantly with no specialist knowledge. This is a feature that can be utilised by all staff members, particularly teaching staff who would like to make better use of the blended learning model.


#2. You want to be able to personalise your Learning Content Management System

Branding is just as important for schools and universities as it is in other sectors. A comprehensive learning content management system will make it possible for you to ensure that anyone who logs into your cloud based system will be greeted with your logo, name and home screen preferences. You will also be able to choose which type of users see which features.


#3. You want to facilitate more communication 

Communication is key in education. Whether you are aiming to better manage communication between staff and students, administrative and teaching staff, or even your educational institution and other institutions from around the world, a comprehensive learning content management system will help to facilitate this.


#4. You want to store your LMS content in an accessible virtual library

LMS content can be very valuable in a blended learning setting, but only if students can freely access it! An LCMS can make it possible to build an accessible virtual library of these LMS content resources. The great thing about a virtual library created with an LCMS is that it is cloud based, meaning that students and staff can access it from wherever they are.


#5. You want to create a blended learning friendly community 

Community is an important aspect of any type of learning. In some ways it is even more important for schools and universities to set out to facilitate it when they are teaching using virtual or blended learning methods. This is because students will not naturally be exposed to their fellow students as much as they would be in a traditional classroom set up. Happily, an LCMS will offer plenty of opportunities for community building including virtual classrooms, discussion spaces, forums and private messaging.


#6. You want to make evaluation and monitoring easier for your staff

The better the evaluation and monitoring that takes place within an educational establishment, the more understanding teaching staff will have of their students’ progress and how to improve it. However, this level of evaluation and monitoring can be difficult for buys teaching staff to provide. Comprehensive LCMS software will do a lot of this work for them.


#7. You want to establish a central hub for all course administration

Depending on the size of your institution, it can be tricky to keep track of the administrative needs of dozens or perhaps even hundreds of courses. An LCMS can act as a central hub to keep all this administration in one place. It’ll be far easier for administrative staff to keep on top of admissions, enrolments, fees and communications.


#8. You want to be able to host effective and efficient virtual classes

Virtual classrooms are excellent resources. A good LMCS will offer tools for them that are reliable, impressive and effective. Use them to enhance LMS content, and get learners and teachers together.


#9. You want to make it easier for students to access their courses

Blended learning and LMS content will only be as effective as their related digital set up allows. The more freely learners are able to access these courses and resources, the more likely they are to choose to do so. The ideal LCMS should offer cloud based access across a wide range of devices.


#10. You want to have plenty of space to grow

An LCMS is likely to be a significant investment, so you’ll want to be sure you’re choosing a software package that will be able to grow alongside your institution. If you’re considering an upgrade to your current LCMS, you’ll already know how disruptive and frustrating it can be when you outgrow a software package. Luckily, there are learning content management systems available which will continue to meet your needs for many years to come.


Are you looking for a new LCMS for your educational institution? Take a look at our educational platform.


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