There’s a new buzzword in the learning management system industry and it’s one to pay careful attention to. SaaS stands for software as a service and is used to describe a type of learning management system (LMS) that is based on the internet rather than directly on your computer.

Why is Saas LMS important?

 At first thought it might not be obvious why a SaaS LMS would be preferable to a piece of software that you have to install on your computer. However, a cloud LMS has many benefits.

Because of this, it really is worth considering whether a SaaS LMS solution would be a better fit than a more traditional software solution.

What are the benefits of a cloud LMS?


 #1. A SaaS LMS won’t take up valuable space on the server

Within many organisations, server space is at a premium. Luckily, it’s no longer necessary to weigh up greater functionality against network requirements. A cloud LMS tool will be hosted and supported by the software company themselves, leaving each of their clients free to fill their servers with their own important documents.

#2. A cloud LMS doesn’t limit access

Many organisations runs schemes to allow their employees to work flexibly from home or from a variety of corporate sites. This can be great for productivity, but often causes a headache if key personnel are unable to access vital software from their home computer or laptop. SaaS LMS software completely removes this problem as users will be able to log in to their dashboard and get to work right away, no matter where they are.

#3. A SaaS LMS makes it much easier to get started

Installing traditional software is not always straightforward within larger organisations. Individual teams often don’t have the necessary permissions to install the digital resources they need, and waiting for the tech team to administrate the process can be frustrating. Choosing a cloud LMS or Saas LMS means that staff members can trial learning management software solutions on their own initiative and get started right away when they find the right tool.

#4. A cloud LMS will always be up to date

Traditional software updates are often clunky, disruptive and long-winded. They also rely on employees to remember to check when they are necessary and carry them out. Choosing an SaaS LMS removes this issue as regular updates, bug fixes and upgrades will be carried out centrally by the software company.

Interested in finding out about all the other features that are available from a SaaS LMS? Take a look at our CAE LMS to see how it could benefit your organisation.

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