Language e-learning courses continue to gain ground to traditional training allowing many people to improve their level of English or learn a second or third language in a flexible way. Among the multiple tools that stand out in this type of training blended learning, online laboratory, and stand out virtual classrooms. This technology, integrated in the educational platforms or LMS (Learning Management System) such as Voluxion LMS facilitates the attendance to live classes by accessing the course from any device connected to the network (from home, work or any other place).

Virtual classrooms for language learning

CAE virtual classrooms offer the opportunity to the centers that use them to teach courses with live online classes and thus break the aseptic feeling of online courses. Used effectively, they are one of the keys to convert an online language training into a 100% social learning experience.

A study by the American University Nova Southeastern University (Florida) concluded that it is not enough to leave online content within reach of students, but rather a structure, deadlines and, of course, the interaction between teachers and students so that the training is a success

The study, Student Satisfaction in the Virtual Classroom, points to flexibility as a priority to establish an effective course. Hence, recording live online classes is as important to boost language classes as it offers the added value of a live class, although it will be downloaded in deferred.

Keys among the indicators of student satisfaction in online courses is the flexibility within the course and the contact with the instructors.

Johnston, J., Killion, J., Oomen, J. Student Satisfaction in the Virtual Classroom. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. April 2005. volume 3 Number 2.

CAE virtual classrooms to practice languages

CAE Computer Aided Elearning’s specialized language educational platform offers students the possibility to attend live classes that are planned by their school, university, company or language center. However, they also allow you to practice the language 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Any student can create a conversation room to practice with other classmates in their course or at the same level what they have learned in the lessons.

This tool includes communication through video and audio chat and instant messaging, which facilitates the practice of the main linguistic competences, speaking, listening, reading and writing.

In this way, the language courses taught from the CAE teaching platform put an end to social barriers by putting students in an e-learning course in direct contact. In the case of Dexway’s success, language courses with a learning by doing methodology, the virtual classroom combines with an online student community to reach 100% of the linguistic immersion and the possibilities of socialization.

Language courses with recorded or deferred classes

The Voluxion educational platform with integrated VCR allows the recording of classes, in this way, even students who have problems to connect online at a certain time can easily catch up by downloading the classes and attending the explanations or debates that take place in it. They performed live.

Advantages of a course with recorded lessons

  • #1 Students never miss a lesson
  • #2 Foster interest in upcoming lessons
  • #3 Great flexibility for the student, who is able to reconcile 100% with the rest of their tasks
  • #4 Personalization of the educational experience. A student can skip lessons on topics that he or she already knows or has practiced, including changing the order of the classes at their convenience.

For an education with the best tools of the sector for language learning, CAE offers language experts tools for the creation of courses, educational platforms, virtual classrooms and cloud hosting both in turnkey solutions, as well as in proposals to measure.

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